(Strip Number 4272, Original Publication Date, 14 January 1983)
Panel 1: We find ourselves watching Elly and Connie drinking coffee; as they do so, Elly complains that it's a brand new year and she's still the same old her.
Panel 2: She smiles as she explains that she's thinking of doing something that will have a significant impact on her life.
Panel 3: Connie smiles even more broadly as she asks "Great! What is it? Politics? School Board? A full-time job?"
Panel 4: Connie rolls her eyes in mild disgust when a gobsmacked Elly says that she was actually thinking of getting a new haircut.
Summary: Since the new-look Elly would have the same annoying personality, same misdirected rages and same appalling ignorance, all she'd do is change the exterior. It's like putting a bad product in a different package.