dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Elly's huffy chattering about how she doesn't want her children snooping around in her room confirms Mike's suspicions that he and Lizzie are close to discovering where their presents are. 

(Strip Number 355, Original Publication Date, 18 December 1982)
Panel 1: A panic-stricken Elly asks Mike and Lizzie what they're doing in her closet.

Panel 2: As she closes the closet door, she reminds them that they know that she doesn't like them snooping around in her bedroom.

Panel 3: She has the close-eyed face of smugness on as she tells them to go find something else to do somewhere else.

Panel 4: Mike tells Lizzie that they might not have found any presents this time but they were definitely close.

Summary: Since we're probably supposed to be on Mike and Lizzie's side, we're probably going to get a Lynnsight about how her parents hid her gifts far too well. 

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…

  • Sunday, January 13

    Sorry, guys! My cable went out and I just now got it back. Thanks to megan_koumori for carrying on in my absence! Panel 1: Great. Elly going to war…

  • Thursday, December 6

    Panel 1: Okay, this is ridiculous. Francie looks like a teenager, and the configuration is as if Granthony is courting her from below her balcony.…

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  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…

  • Sunday, January 13

    Sorry, guys! My cable went out and I just now got it back. Thanks to megan_koumori for carrying on in my absence! Panel 1: Great. Elly going to war…

  • Thursday, December 6

    Panel 1: Okay, this is ridiculous. Francie looks like a teenager, and the configuration is as if Granthony is courting her from below her balcony.…