dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Saturday, 8 October 2011

John reacts to Lawrence's talking about Connie's comings and goings by wanting to not speak in front of the kids so that he does not become the subject of gossip; I can almost relate but given that he insists on discussing his personal business in front of his patients like the unprofessional clod he is, he's too late to worry about that.

(Strip Number 317, Original Publication Date, 9 October 1982)

Panel 1: We find ourselves at the dinner table watching the Pattersons eat in a revolting manner; as they CHOMP-CHEW-GLUT-SHHHLLLUUP-SSHHHLLLLOOOORRRK down their food while it's still incredibly hot, Lawrence tells them that Connie's goin'out with Ted again an'he wants to move in.

Panel 2: This caused Phil to call an'tell her that she was dumb to go back to him in the first place.

Panel 3: Lawrence next relates that Connie told Phil that it was none of his business and that he said that yes, it was.

Panel 4: John's reaction to Lawrence's airing of his mother's dirty laundry is to ask Elly to remind him to never talk in front of the children.

Summary: Given that he talks in front of the patients as if they're department store mannequins, he's too late to worry about that. Also, Phil is acting like a Richards; that's because he seems to want to not only see Connie and Ted's thing crash and burn, he also yearns to cruelly refuse her when she grovels pathetically to be taken back. After all, Mike's ass-clownish behavior towards Martha and Rhetta comes from the same part of his genetic make-up as his dark hair.

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  • Sunday, 15 September 2024

    The one where April is bad and wrong because she moves around when Elly stops looking at her. Synopsis: Elly is humiliated because April peeked…

  • Saturday, 14 September 2024

    The one where we're reminded the only joy Elly allows herself is bellowing about how no one cares. Synopsis: After praising herself for other…

  • Friday, 13 September 2024

    The one where it's awful that Elly has to wait in line like a nobody.