(Strip Number 4215, Original Publication Date, 3 September 1982)
Panel 1: We find ourselves either back at Anne's house or at the food court as Elly tells her friend that she needs this chance because he hasn't worked for so long.
Panel 2: Besides, her intern gig is only for a couple of mornings a week.
Panel 3: The big plus sign to her is that it she'll get to do different things and try skills she hasn't used in ages.
Panel 4: The manic grin on her face when she describes the almost-forgotten skill 'Talking to grown-ups' puts a less manic grin on Anne's face.
Summary: This is because Anne remembers that Elly's fear of failure and mental rigidity make motherhood an ordeal for herself and her children; putting Lizzie in playcare might just help settle her friend down.....if she can avoid feeling guilty about feeling good.