Juli (mst3k4evr) wrote in binky_betsy,

Lynn's Ramblings: The Corrections

As a "public serivce", here are the corrections to Lynn's latest verbal diarrhea about her good ol' friend Sparky. Special thanks go to Amazon Dot Com and a little thing called boredom. :)

The originals are in italics with the corrections beside them:

*His wife, Jeannie and Cathy Guisewite - the comma was removed

*He didn't want to be sixty four. - changed to "sixty-four"

*exceptionally talented, endlessly creative, competitive, funny and sometimes sad - comma put after funny

*"If you want to know me, read my work." is what he told interviewers and fans - the period after "work" is changed to a comma

*Charles Schulz explored his private thoughts, his philosophy and his life in "Peanuts". - comma put after "philosophy"

*You know who the bullies are and who's heroism will save the day. - "who's" is changed to "whose"

*You control the conversations, the situations and even the weather. - comma put after "situations"

*You slip into the body of the malicious meanie as easily as you become a sweet, gentle and introspective friend. - comma put after "gentle"

*You are, in essence the "creator" which is what the folks at the syndicates call us! - comma put after "essence"

*We are the creators of a small, black and white window through which everyone is invited to look. Some folks want to open the door and come inside. - "black and white" becomes "black-and-white"

*Inside that door. That's where a cartoonist goes. - the period after "door" is changed to a colon

*Cartoonists, writers, actors, dancers and musicians- performers of all kinds are on "record" all the time. - comma put after "dancers" and a dash is put after "kinds"

*In order to bring an audience into an imaginary world, the REAL world has to be examined in minute detail. - "real" is not in all caps

*Put yourself on an old green and white city bus. - "green and white" becomes "green-and-white"

*Smell the exhaust, the dust and the clothing of other passengers getting on. - comma put after "dust"

*watch their expressions, movements and mannerisms - comma put after "movements"

*and you were on "record". - the period is put inside the quotes

*Cartoonists use experience, intuition, impressions and visual recordings to create an imaginary world. - comma put after "impressions"

*We explore, examine and mirror what's around us. - comma put after "examine"

*something familiar, believable and clear - comma put after "believable"

*Day- dreaming is exactly what the word implies - the space before "dreaming" is deleted

*People who live with daydreamers have to know when the dream is happening and when it's ok to "step in". - the period is put inside the quotes

*Because they are the editors the partners and often the targets of the "artist" they have to be objective, confident, responsible and loyal. - changed to "Because they are the editors, the partners, and often the targets of the "artist," they have to be objective, confident, responsible, and loyal."

*Along with the dreaming comes a theme park ride of hilarity, silliness, laughter and passion; confusion, anxiety, depression and doubt. - commas put after "laughter" and "depression"

*He said his moods were all over the place; up and down. - semicolon replaced with a colon

*"I'm on the bungee cord of life". He said. - "I'm on the bungee cord of life," he said.

*"What about "bungee cord of life?" I asked. - "What about 'bungee cord of life'?" I asked.

*"It was your idea." He said. - "It was your idea," he said.

*"Well, if you're sure it was my idea and not yours, I'll use it". - period put inside quotes

*The deadline is a cruel master, but without it- would we be so inventive and productive? - the dash after "it" is replaced with a comma

*My process was to sit in a comfortable place and write as if I was writing a script. - the second "was" is changed to "were"

*"I'm trying to draw a funny picture." He'd say. - "I'm trying to draw a funny picture," he'd say.

*After the work is done, examined, judged worthy and sent, there is a feeling of intense pleasure until the next week of work is due. - comma put after "worthy"

*There is a mild connection, perhaps between this work and an addiction. - "a mild connection, perhaps" changed to "perhaps a mild connection"

*Whether it's laughter, commiseration, dissent or applause, we need the audience reaction as much as we need the pay cheque. - comma put after "dissent" / "pay cheque" changed to "paycheck"

*Both reward you for hard work; for putting your heart and soul on the line - the semicolon is changed to a comma

*Both are the gauge by which you judge your own ability and you go for "excellence" in order to maintain the flow. - comma put after "ability"

*We compete with others in the business but the heart of the competition is within ourselves. - comma put after "business"

*There is constant, self-inflicted pressure to improve your mind, your drawing prowess and your ability to produce. - comma put after "prowess"

*You have to be your own worst critic, your own strict supervisor and as such, you are never separated from your work. - comma put after "supervisor"

*Being complacent, being satisfied means you lose the game. - comma put after "satisfied"

*If you stop trying to make the next strip better than the last you are looking at the down side of your career. - comma put after "last"

*It's also what made him so complex, so compelling and so interesting to us all. - comma put after "compelling"

*"I don't do things that I think will fail". He would say. - "I don't do things that I think will fail," he would say.

*Sparky leaned over and said to me "Just think...there was a time when there WAS no Snoopy!" - comma put after "me"

*Snoopy allowed him to be spontaneous, slapstick, silly and wild. - comma put after "silly"

*Snoopy was rhythm, comedy, glamour and style. - comma put after "glamour"

*...had been a guest every year at the ice show for about seven years and this was the first time I'd seen Charles Schulz genuinely awed by his own work. - comma put after "years"

*"I suppose there are seventy six trombones here" he said. - "I suppose there are seventy-six trombones here," he said.

*"I don't want to be seventy six". He said. - "I don't want to be seventy-six," he said.

*...have Charlie Brown kick the football! "Then you can put it in a vault somewhere and bring it out when you're ready to". - quote mark before "then" removed

*"I couldn't do that" he said." It's like tempting fate! If I did that, something awful might happen. Besides...it's your idea". - "I couldn't do that," he said. "It's like tempting fate! If I did that, something awful might happen. Besides...it's your idea."

*"It's not fair" he looked at me honestly. - comma put after "fair"

*Sparky died at the age of seventy seven - "seventy seven" becomes "seventy-seven"

*He complimented, reinforced and encouraged me, when I lacked confidence but, his friendship said it all. - comma put after "reinforced" / comma after "me" and "but" removed

*At the age of sixty four and now retired - "sixty four" changed to "sixty-four"

*Somewhere, there's another man or woman with a gift that will drive them to greatness...and how fortunate they are to have Charles Schulz as a guide. - "there's another man or woman" changed to "there are other men or women"


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