dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Friday, 12 August 1982

We're at the home stretch of the vacation arc today; Lynn hammers that point home by having Mike make a witless witticism about how work and school get in the way of fun.

(Strip Number 4208, Original Publication Date, 13 August 1982)

Panel 1: We find Jim, John and Michael fishing at a dock somewhere; as they do so, Mike whines about their having to go home so soon.

Panel 2: John tells him that he's afraid so because he's got to back to work and Jim reminds his grandson that school is just around the corner.

Panel 3: Mike's silhouette exclaims that work and school ruin more holidays than anything else he knows.

Summary: Given how poor salesmen his parents are for both things, no bloody wonder he feels like this. Also, he's thinking that he just got there so it doesn't make sense to leave so soon.

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  • April & Becky

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