dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

In today's strip, Annie's realization that children don't stay immobile forever leaves her questioning whether her pregnancy is a good thing.

(Strip Number 257, Original Publication Date, 4 May 2011)

Panel 1: As she and Elly drink their coffee, Annie says that yes, it's fun being pregnant again. Said fun includes buying new baby clothes and thinking up names.

Panel 2: Her musing about how foolish she was to only have wanted one is interrupted by Christopher, who's managed to climb onto a table because his mother turned her back on him like an idiot to blather to another negligent dimwit, knocks over a lamp that CRASHES onto the floor.

Panel 3: Annie's response to this is to pick a smiling Chris up, glare the Bug-Eyed Glare of Existential Terror™ and ask "Elly? What am I doing?"

Summary: If I were there, I'd point out that she's paying the price for not having her head in the game and follow that up with a hint that, despite what the guy who writes the comic strip about the evil baby who's only happy when his diaper is filled with poo and who fears being potty-trained, two year olds don't spend their time figuring out how to punish Mommy. Since I know Lynn fairly well, I expect a Lynnsight that tells me that I have no right to dish out common sense parenting because I never had a child or raised one.

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  • Sunday, 15 September 2024

    The one where April is bad and wrong because she moves around when Elly stops looking at her. Synopsis: Elly is humiliated because April peeked…

  • Saturday, 14 September 2024

    The one where we're reminded the only joy Elly allows herself is bellowing about how no one cares. Synopsis: After praising herself for other…

  • Friday, 13 September 2024

    The one where it's awful that Elly has to wait in line like a nobody.