(Strip Number 7112, Original Publication Date, 28 March 1982)
Panel 1: We start things off with Elly getting ready to go out for the evening; as she does so, Mike asks if she's going out again.
Panel 2: Since Elly loves to feel bad about things, she whines that she and John don't go out very often.
Panel 3: He holds up a sheet of paper and asks if these are the instructions for the babysitter; Elly says "Yes, they are."
Panel 4: He leads us to our punchline by smiling and saying "Let's see; phone number of the restaurant, time you'll be home..."
Panel 5: Since this strip was written before Lynn had heard of 911, he's forced to say "Emergency numbers. Fire? Police? Poison Control?" and bulge his eyes out in confusion.
Panel 6: He next asks Elly who's coming to babysit tonight.
Panel 7: Elly replies by telling him that Heather is coming before asking why he wants to know.
Panel 8: He asks her what she thinks that he and Lizzie are going to do to her; Elly's reaction is to look as if she's been hit on the back of the head with a two-by-four.
Summary: She shouldn't honestly be so shocked by this; if she weren't all about how ungovernable her children are and didn't tell them that every chance she got, maybe Mike wouldn't think that a list of numbers meant to help him were a sign she didn't trust him. The only good thing to come out of this slice-of-Lynn's-adult-life strip is that she might just note that, for reasons that will always escape her, she and Aaron always seemed to see the world differently.