dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 7 March 2011

Today's strip marks the beginning of the Ted-breaks-up-with-Connie arc; the reason this becomes important is that it reminds us that Elly is not only a crappy mother and disastrous pet owner, she's more of a frienemy than a friend.

(Strip Number 4142, Original Publication Date, 8 March 1982)

Panel 1: We start things off with Elly and Connie drinking coffee; Connie says that it's nice about Annie being pregnant.

Panel 2: She then hangs her head in despair and says that some people have things to look forward to and others don't.

Panel 3: Y'see, she and Ted broke up and it's driving her crazy; a flabbergasted Elly asks when it happened.

Panel 4: Connie looks at her wristwatch and says roughly forty-five minutes ago.

Summary: The problem I have with this arc is that it makes a lie out of any statement Connie might make about being a strong, independent woman; as we're going to see over the years, she defines herself by the man she's attached to. Although she has a good job, a loving son and a saboteur friend to suck up to, all these good things would taste as bitter as ash if there were no maaaaaaayyyyyyyuuuuunnnnnnn in her life.

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