dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 24 February 2011

In today's strip, John stupidly walks right into the line of fire of a loaded question. Strips like this one would be easier to take if John actually learned something from them.

(Strip Number 4133, Original Publication Date, 25 February 1982)

Panel 1: We find ourselves watching Elly sit on the arm of John's chair as he reads the paper; as he looks at the sports section, she asks him why he eats twice as much as she does but doesn't gain an ounce.

Panel 2: He ascribes it to his having a less efficient gut.

Panel 3: His telling her that she, on the other hand, absorbs more of what's consumed and that the excess becomes fat does not please her.

Panel 4: We next see the aftermath of his getting smacked over the head with a couch cushion; as he sits there looking as if his head has been replaced by a pillow, he thought-bubbles "Lesson Number 768: Never answer a loaded question."

Summary: Lesson Number 769 is, of course, don't try to side-step said question: Elly's need to complain about how awful her life is cannot be denied; if he'd tried to soften the blow by telling her that he likes his women to look like women and not stick figures, he's a pig. If he tries to plead the fifth, he's a liar and a shnook. Either way, he's going to be eating down.

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  • Sunday, 15 September 2024

    The one where April is bad and wrong because she moves around when Elly stops looking at her. Synopsis: Elly is humiliated because April peeked…

  • Saturday, 14 September 2024

    The one where we're reminded the only joy Elly allows herself is bellowing about how no one cares. Synopsis: After praising herself for other…

  • Friday, 13 September 2024

    The one where it's awful that Elly has to wait in line like a nobody.