dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 24 January 2011

If things run true to form, we're in for another reminder that John can't not ogle pretty girls in front of Elly. Lovely guy, ain't he?

(Strip Number 4122, Original Publication Date, 23 January 1982)

Panel 1: We find John and Elly walking along the beach; she's talking about how she bought some shells, a sea horse, some tortoise-shell jewelry and other things that contravene CITES regulations on what might be brought into Canada.

Panel 2: She then makes the mistake of asking him if there's anything he'd like to take home with him.

Panel 3: At that moment, a young woman in a swimsuit walks by; her presence causes John's eyes to bulge out, his face to get frozen in a sickening leer and, well, let's just say he's having what Gordo called a hormone attack.

Panel 4: Elly's response is to yell "Would you cut that out?"

Summary: The sad thing is that he never does; never in the strip's history does he control his impulse to race around like a bull elephant in must. Worse still, Lynn never controls her impulse to annoy us with his repulsive slobbering.

ETA: Given that most of the eastern half of the continent is bitterly cold today, I don't much care for the latest banner. Perhaps tomorrow or Wednesday when my apartment is warmer......

  • Tuesday, January 15

    Panel 1: Please, oh please, let this be the last strip on this subject. It might not be, though, depending on how Elly reacts; she may need another…

  • Friday, December 28

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  • Tuesday, December 25

    Merry Freaking Christmas, everybody! Panel 1: So Mira wants to say the grace. Wonder why Lynn is having her do that? Panel 2: Oh, that's why. So…

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  • Tuesday, January 15

    Panel 1: Please, oh please, let this be the last strip on this subject. It might not be, though, depending on how Elly reacts; she may need another…

  • Friday, December 28

    Sorry I'm late! Panel 1: John's enthusiasm face is creepy. It always seems inappropriate for the events he's crowing about. What is he on about,…

  • Tuesday, December 25

    Merry Freaking Christmas, everybody! Panel 1: So Mira wants to say the grace. Wonder why Lynn is having her do that? Panel 2: Oh, that's why. So…