(Strip Number 7105, Original Publication Date, 10 January 1981)
Panel 1: We find ourselves at the dental clinic; today's exercise in misogyny and self-absorption starts off with John telling a girl named Melissa (who does NOT want to wear braces and get teased) that her appliance won't work if she doesn't wear it.
Panel 2: We next see a woman in her fifties or sixties who is not satisfied with how the upper plate she's got in her hand fits; the fact that Mrs Zimmer needs to see him right away somehow ticks him off.
Panel 3: His receptionist then tells him that Carrie phoned; she wanted to know if his arm was broken because he hasn't written or called her in weeks. This, of course, displeases him.
Panel 4: We fast-forward a mite to see Jean tell him that she knows that they're busy but she still would rather have lunch.
Panel 5: His receptionist further agitates the big girl's blouse by telling him that she forgot to tell him that she's leaving early today.
Panel 6: We shift our focus to the Pattermanse where we find Elly asking the idiot if he remembered to bring home a bucket of chicken for dinner because he knows the stove is broken.
Panel 7: We then hear a little tiny voice say "Daddy...."
Panel 8: "...Nizzie wants to give you a big kiss."
Panel 9: The stupid jamoke Elly married thought-bubbles "Ahhhh.....I was beginning to think that there were too many women in my life."
Summary: What he, of course, means is that it's monstrously unfair that women have opinions that conflict with his own. He reminds me of something a character on the long-running Britcom "Last of the Summer Wine" said; one of the ladies who drank tea and commented on male folly once said "A woman's touch?? He needs a damned good clout!!"