And for a second, I thought April was addressing Liz! But Liz is nowhere near that thick around the waist. What the heck is she doing, anyway? Putting on mascara? Plucking her eyebrows? Curling her eyelashes? Did she get contacts all of a sudden?
Panel 2: Now, this is what I like to see. April getting bent out of shape about something minor, LIKE ANY TEENAGER. Neither a saint nor a monster; just NORMAL. Of course, this is probably what John thinks of as "overly emotional" or whatever he calls it. And on closer inspection, Elly appears to be applying eye shadow.
Panel 3: I can't help it: that face makes me laugh! I can't remember the last time I saw a FOOB mouth that was almost a perfect equilateral triangle!
Panel 4: But why is Elly caving in to her? April does look somewhat guilty, though. Be careful, Apes: that knife is within Elly's grasp!
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