dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 17 June 2010

We continue on with our theme of Elly having more time to herself that she lets on; this time, she's spending a nice afternoon enjoying the sun instead of staring at the walls going nuts.

(Strip Number 4021, Original Publication Date, 18 June 1981)

Panel 1: We find ourselves in what seems to be Annie's backyard; the sprinkler is running running in the background, Lizzie is sitting on a beachtowel and Anne, who has Christopher trying to climb on to her lap, tells Elly that it's such a lovely day, she could sit there forever.

Panel 2: Elly, who's nursing her iced tea, accidentally punctures the bubble of contentment by saying that it's too bad that John and Steve are stuck in their offices.

Panel 3: This causes Annie to stand up, fold up the deck chair and tell Elly that it's time to get dinner on; Elly, having picked Lizzie up, says "Yeah! See you, Anne."

Panel 4: As they walk home, Elly tells Lizzie that guilt is a great motivator,

Summary: The annoying part is that I know what Elly and Annie are feeling guilty about; they're worried that their husbands will think that they spend all day lounging around while they're hard at work. As I said before, John would never believe how much work Elly does all day; Rod and Aaron watched Lynn work like a piston and THEY didn't believe it either so, well, neither will their avatars.

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