(Strip Number 3998, Original Publication Date, 30 April 1981)
Panel 1: We start the proceedings with Elly freaking out us moderns by having Lizzie next to her in the front seat; this, of course, will be fodder for a lot of letters that tell us that this "child safety" thing has gotten way out of hand.
Panel 2: Elly carries a sniveling Lizzie to the office of what looks to be a Doctor N. Plett; the strip's caption and the who's who refer to a Norman Flett so he's probably the victim of dodgy lettering. (ETA: He's actually the victim of Lynn's inability to letter properly; he was "supposed" to be named "Flett" after an acquaintance of hers but her poor lettering led everyone, even her staff, into thinking that his name started with a P.)
Panel 3: As Elly reads a copy of Portrait from 1974, Doctor Flett's receptionist tells her that he's ready to see Elizabeth now. He'll need a microscope if she keeps shrinking like she is now.
Panel 4: Lizzie's enthusiastic "YAH!!!" as she jumps up as if to rush to the examination room leaves Elly's face frozen in the Bug-Eyed Glare of Existential Horror™. That's because the big idiot probably thinks that Lizzie was faking to get attention.
Summary: Elly clearly doesn't seem to understand that Lizzie's enthusiasm and high spirits have nothing to do with her illness; she's still sick but she's happy now that people aren't treating her like a leper.