Panel 1: It's the day after Connie asked herself if she should follow good advice; Lawrence, who really shouldn't have gone to school, reminds Mike that everyone in class signed his cast.
Panel 2: As Mike bathes, Lawrence reminds him that he doesn't have to do that for a long time.
Panel 3: His boast that he gets to sleep in Mike's bed and that this broken leg stuff is neat irritates Mike even more than sleeping on the hide-a-bed does.
Panel 4: He does react in a less self-absorbed manner when Lawrence wishes that it had happened to someone else, though; of course, he could simply think that his pal wishes that he was the one with the broken leg.
Summary: The problem I see with this is that those few who still hold on to the notion that the characters are redeemable will simper that Lawrence is too wrapped up in feeling sorry for himself to care where Connie is; what they don't realize is that the poor child has come to expect being neglected.