Panel 1: We start off with Elly pouring coffee for her and Connie as she tells her that if she's going to Montreal, Lawrence is going to have to stay with someone; Connie says "I know."
Panel 2: Elly asks if she'd like him to stay with them; Connie says "Could he? Oh, Elly; that would be wonderful! I didn't want to ask for such a favor."
Panel 3: Elly points out that Mike doesn't mind sharing his room so it'll be fine. After Connie says "Gosh, you are so sweet! I didn't want to impose", Elly says it's not a problem.
Panel 4: She might realize there's a problem after all, though; that's because Connie says "Great! Here's his suitcase!"
Summary: Elly has just now realized that Connie expected her to look after Lawrence all along; does she realize that Lawrence hasn't been told quite yet? I mean, this is the same woman who waited till the last second to tell him they were moving to Thunder Bay so I don't expect her to be the type of mother who discusses her plans with her child.
ETA: Lynn's latest banner depicts 'adult' Mike and Liz killing one another with snowballs.