Not yet; right now, Connie has to deliver a bizarre non sequitur to allay Elly's fears.
Panel 1: As Elly walks Farley. Connie greets her with a cheery "Hi, El! I guess Phil already told you that I'm going with him to his New Years' Eve show tonight." Elly murmurs Mmm-hmmm in angry assent.
Panel 2: Connie makes a sort of frightening comment about being a groupie then reassures us all by talking about the sitter she's arranged for Lawrence while she sleeps at the hotel where Phil will be performing.
Panel 3: Seeking to warn her about her evil brother and his evil habit of doing things, Elly tells her to not get her hopes up; Connie dismisses this by reminding her that she's a big girl.
Panel 4: She then says that eight now, she and Phil are just friends (with benefits); if something happens, it was meant to be. If it was not meant to be....
Panel 5: Well, that is that question, isn't it?
Summary: Too bad that the only questions she'll see fit to ask are "Why do I keep throwing myself at men who don't love me?" and "Why are men all pigs?" That's as unfortunate as her current failure to realize that Flapandhonk is really more of a frienemy than a real friend.