Miz Laurel (hoppytoad79) wrote in binky_betsy,
Miz Laurel

Lynn? Retire? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAwhenpigsfly

I forget when Lynn said she'd stop with the new-ruins, but I'll believe it when it happens. Anyone else waiting to hear what her excuse for continuing with new-ruins is? Me, my Monopoly money is on her deciding she hasn't 'enhansed' the old storylines enough for her liking so it'll be another six months of the mix, and not long before that date arrives she'll realize she needs another six months to finish it all to her liking. If we're lucky, total returns will finally kick in a year after she first said they would. If not, Eru only knows how much longer she'll keep trying to 'improve' things.

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