dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Now that Elly has done housework she shouldn't have because John is too dim to get someone in to look after her and keep her from taking poor care of herself, let's see what other daft thing she does today. Perhaps she'll decide she's well enough to go to the store after all and infect a bunch of people.

Well, I came close; she's at Mike's craft school and infecting small children.

Panel 1: As our story begins, we see button-nosed Michael at the Kidkraft craft class cutting a piece of paper with what I hope are safety scissors as the propellor-bunned teacher tells him that his mother is here. His yelling MOM doesn't seem to have been noticed by the girl holding the punchcards.

Panel 2: He holds up a mildly revolting clay sculpture and tells her that it's a monster head with a giant-mega wart on the side. She seems to be turned off but it's hard to tell what her reaction is.

Panel 3: He's quite pleased with how when he pulls at the wart, a whole bunch of crud comes out and asks her if she thinks it's cool or what; Elly is clearly not enthused but can't quite find the words to express her disgust.

Panel 4: As Elly gets his coat, he tells her that he WAS going to make something REALLY gross but they wouldn't let him. Her reaction: gobsmacked.

Summary: Since Elly is still contagious, he'll get to make a lot of gross things in the next few days; so will the other children she's infected because she and John were too dim to make arrangements for him. Also, Lynn thinks boys like gross things because that's the deal with men.

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