dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 12 November 2009

It seems that we're about to be hit over the head with the inane concept that Elly's writing career has to be put on hold because of her children's refusal to play fair and act like tiny adults. At least it's not because Farley won't admit that he's a man in a dog suit.

It's worse; she repeats history by having Elly's hopes dashed for medical reasons.

Panel 1: Elly thought-bubbles that dinner's done, the kids are ready for bed and her class starts in 45 minutes as she kisses John good night and tells him "See you later."

Panel 2: John says that that was a HOT kiss and tries to stop her from leaving; she misinterprets the look of concern on his face as an invitation for more kissing and says "Not now, John; I've got to go."

Panel 3: He says that she has a temperature and asks if she's sure she's OK. She says that she's fine except for being a little tired.

Panel 4: Lynn betrays her lack of real knowledge by saying that Elly is running a fever of 104 degrees and how that means that she's staying home. In real life, she'd be hallucinating and being rushed to the ICU. She wouldn't be whining about wanting to go to school sick and infecting others.

Panel 5: She also wouldn't be allowed within 50 metres of Mike, who we see telling her that, since she WANTS to go to school, she must be sick.

Summary: Lynn simply tried too hard to make Elly sick enough to not be able to keep up again; if Elly's fever were merely 100, it would be less of a strain on credulity. As it stands, we'll end up watching her fail to keep up after having missed this class because all the serious writers have no desire to help a busy mother who has no help and no time to herself.

ETA: Lynn finally put as many Remembrance Day strips as she could in the Classic Content section.

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