dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 2 November 2009

Since yesterday's exercise in loathesomeness seems to have displaced the reprint I was thinking about, it means that we can see a whole new exercise in stupidity, callousness and waste today.

Panel 1: We see Elly in her housecoat putting the trash out; she glares the Bug-Eyed Glare of Existential Horror because Mike, who's smiling and asking "Am I helpin' you, Ma?", doesn't realize that the bottom of the trash bag he's carrying has fallen out and spilled its contents down the driveway.

Summary: Since Elly's as smart as she is generous, she doesn't realize that Mike can't quite wrap his head around the idea that he's not tall enough to help yet. Also, since she's as kind as she is smart, she won't tell him that she knows he meant well and offer to help him clean up his honest mistake; her NEXT move will be, of course, to unhinge her jaws and yell at him for making work for her.

ETA: It's a new month which means that a new banner meets our eyes.

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  • April & Becky

    I thought I'd contribute some unfavourite storylines: April, Becky and the neverending fighting. They met at daycare, aged 2, but the arguing didn't…

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