Super great; I'm right on the beam with this one; it's the replacement for the classic strip that has John make suggestions about what courses Elly should take that would only benefit him.
Panel 1: John's silhouette asks Elly, who's holding a sheet of paper in her left hand and a pen in the right, what she's up to; she tells him that she's checking out night school courses.
Panel 2: We next see her at the kitchen table looking at a course catalogue; she tells John, who's holding a cup of coffee, that she was planning on taking a creative writing course but the one she wanted to enroll in isn't available until next semester.
Panel 3: John, who's tired of eating dreck like Cheapie Weenie Casserole, says "So? Why not take something else? Creative cooking, for example!" This, of course, is where Lynn rewrites history: beforehand, he'd suggested belly dancing and gourmet cooking as alternates.
Panel 4: That's the only substantive change, though; the reaction in both is essentially the same. That's because Elly, who's wearing her typical scrunched-up rage face, shoves him aside as he tells her that he's just suggesting something useful.
Summary: We see a man who's half-way joking, half-way trying to offer her a useful choice and a lot of the way thinking about his poor, long-suffering stomach; she sees an ogre who wants to destroy her creativity and eliminate her freedom of expression. A random passer-by who didn't know these people would assume that they're the Leroy and Loretta Lockhorn of Southern Ontario.