Perhaps later in the summer; right now, Lynn's going to disappoint the guy who wants time frozen in place because the passage of time sickens him.
Panel 1: We start off with Elly, carrying her usual monster load of laundry, looking on as an angry Mike yelling "I hate that dumb kindergarten an' I'm never going back. EVER!"
Panel 2: She kneels down and reassures him by saying that he doesn't have to go back; it's over for the summer and in September, he starts Grade One.
Panel 3: She then cheerfully tells him that he'll never have to go back to kindergarten again.
Panel 4: After this has had some time to sink in, Mike cries in anguish. Reason: he has nothing to complain about any more.
Summary: Not only is he sad that kindergarten in done, he's afraid enough of change that big kid school scares him shitless. If I didn't know he was Elly Patterson's son, this would tell me that he's Elly Patterson's son.