dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 25 June 2009

It seems to me that the week's theme might be "John means well but can't really relate to his kids"; if that's the case, we can expect him to flub caring for Lizzie today and tomorrow and have him say something stoooooopid on Saturday.

And I'm wrong; we're in for another Deep Thought from a shallow, thoughtless mind.

Panel 1: We start off with Connie and Elly on the porch; Elly sniffs the air and says "What a beautful day". Connie replies "Uh huh!"

Panel 2: Elly then says that you need the long, cold days of winter to really appreciate the warm weather they're enjoying; Connie murmurs in agreement.

Panel 3: Connie repeats what Elly said and adds that we also need the gray rainy days of spring. Elly agrees.

Panel 4: She then displays her ignorance of the wider world by saying that people in tropical countries don't get to experience the change of seasons like she does; she pities them.

Panel 5: Sort of, that is.

Summary: If she were to share her opinion with a person who actually lived in a tropical country, s/he'd either laugh in her face, spit in it or punch it. Also, it should be noted that this is a new-ruin; the long heads and straight-edge drawn lines are a dead giveaway.

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