dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

It seems to me that the week is supposed to prove that, despite Elly's best intentions, Mike and Liz are simply not fated to get along. Lynn would take it as a kindness if we didn't notice that it was more or less Elly's fault they were at each others' throats all the time.

Perhaps it's meant to prove that Mike needs a lot of help looking good; that's because John is doing actual parenting.

Panel 1: We see Mike in his jammies playing with what Lynn refers to as 'one of those toys that does everything' and what regular people call a handheld video game. John tells him light out and Mike whines "AWWWH?"

Panel 2: As he motions for Mike to hand over the PSP, John reminds him that he has school tomorrow and is grouchy when he's tired.

Panel 3: John says "Lights out" and turns out the light.

Panel 4: As we see Mike under the sheets playing with the game using a flashlight to see, John tells him to not do that.

Panel 5: As we see a testy John about to ask him to hand over both the flashlight and gaming system to be handed back to him after school tomorrow, Mike, who doesn't yet realize that blankets aren't very good at blocking light, asks how they always know.

Summary: John is being a fairly responsible parent here; he just has to work on not acting like Mister King Discipline Man and forcing compliance to his demands. If he keeps crap like this up, he'll end up making a huge, ugly fool of himself.

ETA: The latest banner makes a nonsense of John's argument.

  • Friday, 1 October 2010

    We begin the month with a reminder that John doesn't want to be made to feel guilty about being a jackass with a self-serving and irrational opinion…

  • Thursday, 30 September 2010

    Today's strip pretty much explains who and what John is as a parent; that's because he not only reveals himself to be a firm believer in what…

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…

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  • Friday, 1 October 2010

    We begin the month with a reminder that John doesn't want to be made to feel guilty about being a jackass with a self-serving and irrational opinion…

  • Thursday, 30 September 2010

    Today's strip pretty much explains who and what John is as a parent; that's because he not only reveals himself to be a firm believer in what…

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…