It's both, actually.
Panel 1: We start off with Elly yelling at Mike; it seems that she told him to pick up his toys ages ago. I wonder if she remembers that it was so long ago that Mike forgot.
Panel 2: As Mike yells because Lizzie knocked over the toy castle that he built, Elly howls "Are you two fighting again?"
Panel 3: John, who's been watching Elly race around bellowing at the chaos she stupidly created by not noticing why her kids do what they do, tells Elly that they can enroll Farley in obedience school.
Panel 4: A bug-eyed Elly asks if they also take children.
Summary: If Elly is too whiny, stubborn and stupid to raise kids, why did John ever think that she could be trusted with a dog too?
ETA: Lynn's newest banner congratulates High School grads.