Maybe next time; right now, we gotta watch Elly enslave herself to her cathode-ray god.
Panel 1: As Elly, whose face is frozen in the Bug-Eyed Glare of Existential Horror, watches 'Sudden Illness', she thinks to herself "I've got to stop. I've GOT to break the habit."
Panel 2: She then notes that she spends an hour each weekday watching inane repetitive drivel thereby insulting all the Kool-Aid Quaffers who call Foob their favorite soap.
Panel 3: As she starts to walk out of the room, she goes on to point out that day-time dramas are impossibly depressing, insulting to one's intelligence and a waste of time. Insert lame joke about how she's just described Foob here.
Panel 4: We next see her holding a coffee cup and plate full of goodies with her face, distorted by a gobbet of food rammed into her cheeks as if she were a hamster, turned towards the box. She thought-bubbles that they're also fattening.
Summary: This crap is bound to appeal to the Neanderthals in Lynn's audience as they join JFTF in thought-bubbling "Ah, those silly wimmen-folk; how easily distracted they are. Imagine thinking they have a place in this MAN'S world." The self-hatred started fairly early, didn't it?