dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 6 April 2009

Now that Lynn has 'proven' that John and Elly can only have sex after they eat steak in a restaurant, let's see what other insane stuff she proves this week.

She starts off by proving that John shops in the Junior Miss section.

Panel 1: We start off by watching him ask Elly, who's (of course) holding Lizzie, what she thinks of the macho shirt he just bought.

Panel 2: Realizing that her husband just bought a woman's V-neck sweater, she asks him what's so macho about it.

Panel 3: He replies by telling her that she can see his (one strand of) chest hair. She can also see that he's suddenly more curvaceous than she is.

Panel 4: She muses that she'd thought it had fallen out. This is because he's starting to look more feminine than she is and it amuses her.

Summary: This is probably going to end up with John going to ever-more ridiculous lengths to prove that he's a he-man and failing ludicrously.

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