It's nail on the head time today as Lynn/Elly presents us with Saturday Morning Snacks.
The first is called "Ants on a Log" or, in plain English, celery sticks filled with either peanut butter or processed cheese spread and topped with raisins. Care must be taken not to tell the small ones that they're eating something good for them; one must instead bullshit them into doing so.
The same arch, self-satisfied need to not understand how children think permeates the next recipe: Toast Slices. Lynn wills herself to not see that children prefer snacks that not only appeal to their palates but that they can hold without dropping.
Her disdain for having to tidy up after children mars her recipe for mini-pizzas; the interesting taste is sullied by her obvious and baffling dread of being thought of as a child merely because she associates with then.
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