That comes later; right now, Lynn's gotta make things timeless again (and fail horribly to do so) by monkeying with the strip that aprilp_katje parodied last Friday.
Panel 1: We start off with a wheezing, out of breath Elly telling Annie she actually can't believe they're going to keep jogging.
Panel 2: She then asks if she can really see the both of them doing this every day.
Panel 3: Annie replies by saying they've got to do it for a few weeks at the very least.
Panel 4: If they don't, they can't justify spending a hundred and thirty-five each on track suits. It should be noted that thirty years ago, they'd only spent thirty-five. Lynn adjusted the price for inflation because of her inconsistent chronology.
Summary: We might be at the end of this arc and find ourselves dealing with something completely different tomorrow or we might have John show up and say something gratuitously stupid about Elly's looks.
ETA: Here's the latest banner for your viewing pleasure. Lynn's got a book to promote and children to vilify and it shows.