aprilp_katje (aprilp_katje) wrote in binky_betsy,

Chaps, Chums, Spelling Errors, and Flirting with Firefighters

The FBorFW newsletter for February has arrived and here is an excerpt:
=================== A Funny Story, Courtesy of Lynn: ===================

I had an interesting experience last night. There was a distinct stink near the kitchen sink....Kate and I had whiffed this the night before and wondered what was burning. It was a melting plastic smell, the kind you notice when there's an electrical fire. We sniffed the entire kitchen. (you can hyperventilate doing this) I pulled out the fridge, checked all the outlets, found nothing on the element of the dishwasher. Kate went home and I went to bed.

Last night I put the dishwasher on and WHOA!!! Electrical fire smell! I turned off the washer, got out the fire extinguisher and started another search. Nothing. Smell still lingered. Thinking there might be something in the wall behind the washer, I decided to call someone at the fire dept to come have a look. Well, you can't find a HUMAN after 5, it seems. All fire dept. numbers send you to a nice recording. The only option was 911. I called and apologized to the nice young man who answered saying it was only an odor, no smoke, no emergency, but would someone come to check. He assured me I'd done the right thing, took a bunch of info and I cleaned up the kitchen while I waited. About 5 minutes later (it was around 7 o'clock) I heard sirens. Then I heard loud radios and serious voices and I said to myself..."this can't be MY call! There must be a FIRE around here!"

3 enormous yellow fire trucks came down our narrow little lane and into the yard followed by a red emergency vehicle...all with lights flashing and sirens on!!! Men in yellow fire gear wearing large helmets came to my door. I let 5 men into the house. "Don't take off your boots" I said "whatever it is...is in the kitchen" The men sniffed the air. Five more men in fire gear came in. "Don't take off your boots" I said. "Make yourselves at home." All 11 of us sniffed and two concluded the odor (faint as it was with the open doors, the smell of plastic fire gear and baking) that it indeed came from the washer. Three men lay on the kitchen floor. "We need a screwdriver" one said "and a flashlight." I volunteered my toolkit and went out to the workshop. Eleven men and a woman- all in serious firefighting gear were outside, talking amiably in a circle. One man was shovelling my walks.

The guys inside took apart the bottom of the dishwasher. They were were piled on top of each other in the narrow space, making wisecracks about intimacy while the others watched. The chief arrived in his own car. "Don't take off your boots", I said. Eight people were still in the kitchen. Two scoured the house for any signs of electrical faults and checked the alarms. "I should have baked cookies!" I said (thinking how old ladyish that sounded) but,they agreed. There was a big casserole of fresh baked bread pudding on the stove. I got out some bowls, spoons and napkins and told them to help themselves. Three dug in and one chap took some to the guys outside.

The chief wanted the entire dishwasher removed from the wall. It came out with some effort and the problem was exposed. A hose was too close to some other thing and the rubber was getting hot. A fire hazard in the making, to be sure. All were pleased with the discovery. They disconnected the washer and mopped up the floor.

Outside, the neighbours had started to arrive. One was asking if I needed blankets and a safe place to stay. Others were wondering if the fire was going to spread. All were anxious and concerned. You don't get 3 massive, flashing emergency trucks and 13 firefighters in swat gear on my road (3 houses and a woodpile) too often.

The problem had been solved. I was advised to get a new dishwasher and almost reluctantly, the guys started to pack up and leave. I gratefully thanked them all as I collected the bread pudding dishes (I gave one guy the recipe) and as they collected their doffed jackets and masks, I asked the chief- whose card I now had, (we'd had a great chat and were becoming chums...) Why I had been blessed with so MANY rescuers. "Well, he said," We had an emergency drill out here this evening and you were on the way!"

Well, I gotta say, with their fast response, professionalism and humor I was definately [sic] in good hands. Had there been a serious emergency, I'd have been saved...no question. in short, this was a great opportunity to see what our emergency response team is all about and I'm more than proud of them all.

In the end, I came to this well documented conclusion: ladies...if life becomes dull...if the evening seems a little long...call 911. Within 5 minutes, you'll have a party going on- neighbours and all...and, it's a WONDERFUL way to meet men!!!

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