I'm not sure if this is old or new but it does deliver what we need when we need it: Elly being offended by the knowledge that children make noise despite Mommy having a migraine.
Panel 1: We see Lizzie digging through the closet.
Panel 2: She yells out in delight as she finds her objective: one of those toy mower deals that have the little balls in the plastic dome.
[ETA: They're called 'corn poppers'.]
Panel 3: As she pulls it behind her, she notices that it makes a lot of noise. Since she's a baby and not yet ruined by her mother, she's happy about that.
Panel 4: She takes it downstairs, KLAKKing and BOPPAPOPPing so much that it attracts Elly's attention.
Panel 5: We get a nice close-up of Elly covering her ears in outrage and disgust because her child finds noisy things enjoyable. For those of you who hate the noise these things make, it seems obvious that Elly would do this even if the sound didn't drive her round the bend too.
Panel 6: Her grimace changes to a gobsmack when John asks if they remembered to thank Bev for getting Liz the toy. This, of course, means that since he wasn't sharp enough to notice the sound is guaranteed to drive people crazy, he's stoopid and useless. This also makes me wonder what Elly did to Bev.
Summary: Knowing that Elly was successfully able to destroy the little girl's ability to enjoy the world for its own sake so she could be just like Mommy makes this a sad little slice of life. It's one thing to hate the noise the things make; it's quite another to be a Patterson and hate childhood.