dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Saturday, 3 January 2009

It seems to me that the next strip will have Mike and Lawrence wistfully wish that the holidays lasted longer and Elly, who regards picking up toys as a horrid burden equivalent to not knowing things that aren't her business, thought-bubbling that they last too long, thank you very much. It's as bad as watching her kids put things away the "wrong" way and having to do it herself.

Damn. Wrong again. We gotta watch RetConnie be in love with being in love.

Panel 1: As Little WhoevertheHellthatis gets ready to dock with her, AnneAchronism asks RevElly what happened between RetConnie and RePhil. RevElly isn't sure.

Panel 2: As she kneels down to make sure that NeoLizic clings to her like a frakking barnacle, RevElly moans that they won't say squat about what happened on their date New Year's Eve. Her fellow annoying gossip says "Bummer" because she too hates the idea that people have a right to privacy.

Panel 3: RevElly hopes that maybe it didn't go so smoothly so she can drop the I told you so bomb on her.

Panel 4: Maybe she'll realize that RePhil ain't the guy for her so she can harangue him about getting her hopes up and that he has to live life on her terms.

Panel 5: RevElly's hopes that RetConnie would whine about how awful men are and be told it's her own damned fault have been dashed for now; that's because she has to foreshadow the same stupid behavior Liz will adopt when she said "If this is love, I'm loving it."

Summary: This is a disaster in the making; RetConnie ends up alone and RePhil demonized because he dares to not live life in the approved-by-huffy-bitch-big-sister manner.

  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025

    The one where April assumes that Elly wants to run away from home. Synopsis: John asks Liz where Elly is; when she alludes to Elly doing something…

  • Martin Luther King Day 2025

    The one where Lizardbreath sends Blandthony a message: "Peace through (passive-aggressive) tyranny."

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.

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  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025

    The one where April assumes that Elly wants to run away from home. Synopsis: John asks Liz where Elly is; when she alludes to Elly doing something…

  • Martin Luther King Day 2025

    The one where Lizardbreath sends Blandthony a message: "Peace through (passive-aggressive) tyranny."

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.