dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 20 October 2008

Having successfully reminded us that John is an arrogant, patronizing sexist piece of excrement who doesn't deserve a good woman like Elly and has the appalling and evil tendency to screw with her head to destroy her great potential, it now comes time for Lynn to reintroduce a savior: Farley, the dog. The pee and poop jokes will save us from the endless condemnation of Rod; as for Elly, she's beyond human aid; she chose him deliberately to give Chinnuts the middle finger and never looked back. Let's see how Evil John BSes her into getting a dog she doesn't want to clean up after this time.

We have to wait a bit. That's because we have to get Lizzie walking around first. That's because we know she was walking BEFORE John and Mrs. Baird double-teamed Elly.

Panel 1: We start off with exhorting Lizzie to let go of the table and walk towards him.

Panel 2: He's encouraging her to do so because, unlike Elly, he knows that she can walk.

Panel 3: She takes another set of tentative steps.

Panel 4: An elated Mike, unaware that his ultra-loud voice frightened Liz, tells Elly that she's walking around now.

Panel 5: We see Elly's silhouette glare at him because when got in, Lizzie landed on her rump so hard, a storm cloud developed over her head.

Summary: This is pretty much where Mike starts to regret having a kid sister, I'd say. NO matter what he does to help it's seen as being bad by his idiot mother. Since he can do no right as far as Sistwirp in concerned, his excitement at the prospect of being a big brother will quickly be replaced by hate. Simply put, Elly's short-sightedness kept her from having the harmony she craved.

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