A couple interesting parts:
1) She didn't care if people liked it or not; she was going to have Anthony and Elizabeth get married, dammit!
Q: Retelling the Patterson family story with new storylines is either supreme artistic catharsis or supreme regression.
A: [Laughs] Actually it's one of those neat experiments that you know is working as soon as you get started on it. At first I thought: "Maybe it should go back and forth in time." But the year that I tried that was a year that I had some personal chaos and found it awfully hard to concentrate. It didn't flow. Also I would have to keep developing the characters and I would have even less time than I have now to do it. So I ended the story. It comes to a full stop the last week of August. The whole month of August has been the wedding of Anthony and Elizabeth. Some people are thrilled with the wedding, some people aren't. I don't care. They're happy, they want to get married, and it's going to be good. And, really, the whole story is about marriage and how you deal with the for-better-or-for-worse, and that was what I wanted to point out.
2) Maybe the part in bold is the reason why she had Liz leave Mtiwakkawakka and never look back...
Q: But recently you recycled an old strip in which Elly has a recurrent dream that [her husband] John leaves her for another woman.
A: Yes, it was so prophetic I thought, "You know what? I'm going to just throw that in there." I think it's funny; it's so déjà vu.
Q: So that was a dream that you had during your own marriage?
A: Well, [my former husband] worked with beautiful women ever since I met him. He's a dentist. He has hygienists and front-desk girls, and there are usually eight girls around him all the time, and he used to travel to the Native villages taking his staff with him, and people in the town would look at me as if to say, "Well, girl, join the club," because in a small northern mining town there's a lot of horsing around, and the joke was you can steal a man's wife, but you don't touch his woodpile, you know? It was rampant.
You can read the full article (three pages) here at http://www.macleans.ca/canada/national/article.jsp?content=20080827_106252_106252
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