dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 25 August 2008

As you know, the ceremony will extend into the rest of the week. chl says that Lynn will go all self-referential on us and well end up seeing the annoying and long-expected "For Better of For Worse" Strip.

According to poteet, Awfulny gets to make a wish. I wish Anusthony's head would explode like the guy from "Scanners" or that he had taken 24's place in the Monarchmobile before it blew up. I also wish that Flapandhonk and JSTF didn't hover over the crappy couple's shoulders like happy vultures.

Panel 1: The officiant declares Assthony and Lizardbreath manipulative bastard prick and shrieking harridan filled with rage because children behave like childrenhusband and wife and reminds Creepthony to kiss the bride.

Panel 2: As John and Elly's silhouettes gaze appreciatively on, they do so.

Panel 3: He boasts that he's the happiest guy on the planet. She reminds him of an ancient wedding tradition she just made up: kiss the bride and make a wish. He says he's good.

Panel 4: After all, he's whined, bullied, lied and manipulated his way to achieving his lofty goal of being part of the Patterson family so his wishes have all come true.

Summary: The next six strips will be an even more effective test of the gag reflex. Not only do we have to watch people kiss Elly's ass, we have to watch them all simper that it's okay that Jim is lying in his hospital bed being neglected.

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