Panel 1: As the teal hoverlimo zooms down the road, one of the tinier occupants asks if it's the same kind of car movie stars use.
Panel 2: We have a hat-trick of questions from oddly articulate children. Francie wants to know how much longer this is going to take, Robin wants to know how many people got roped into this and Merrie wants to know if they can ride to the reception in the stretchmobile.
Panel 3: Francoise then informs Robin that she and he will be "stousins" after her dad marries the silly sandwich lady.
Panel 4: She then tells him that this is her contraction for the word step-cousins. He then has fun making up nonsense words on his own thereby indicating he will be Delicate Genius 2.0.
Panel 5: It looks as if howtheduck's joke about Elizabeth sensing a disturbance in the Force might be more accurate than he'd thought. This is because she yells STOP!! without looking at the kids. If she'd wanted them to be quiet, she'd be looking at them with the patented Elly narrow-eyed glare and angry frown. She instead looks as if she was hit in the back of the head with a two-by-four.
Prediction: Liz will have a premonition that something is wrong. There will be a futile race to the hospital. I will be filled with loathing.
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