dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Now that Lynn has successfully glossed over Elly's stint as a care-giver, let's see how Sheet Shaver spends the rest of the week. Knowing her, she'll say something stupid as she serves up John's greaseburger.

Well, John and greaseburgers are involved in this.

Panel 1: We start of with JSTF grilling up the evening meal on the barbeque. He asks Elly how Jim is. Instead of telling him that could have have jolly well taken a few minutes to see for himself instead of playing with toys, she reports that he's looking better and that Iris had a nice break from her self-appointed task as Jim's caregiver.

Panel 2: She then fills the panel with the statement that looking after him is a lot of work because of the fear that he'll fall or choke on something.

Panel 3: She then states that Jim is so lucky to have her around to care for him when he's failing, frightened or needs help. John could have mentioned that a licensed and trained professional could do all those things more effectively but instead simply agrees with her premise.

Panel 4: They then both thought-bubble their real concern; which one of them will have to do that when this happens to them. I thought that securing a free nursemaid was the whole point of the Settlepocalypse and Housening. They may approve of Iris suffering in silence and not asking anythong of them but the John and Elly I know would expect their kids to wait on them hand and foot.

Summary: In hindsight, it was obvious that this would be about them in the end.

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