Perhaps later. Right now, we gotta have a denture joke.
Panel 1: We start off with Elly asking Jim that despite everything that he's OK. He responds by saying "Yes" and probably wishes she weren't so afraid of using the words "stroke" and "aphasia".
Panel 2: She then states that he means so much to everyone and that they don't tell him often enough how grateful they are he's still around. In short, more "tell, don't show" because we never see them act like it.
Panel 3: He gets up so as to hug her.
Panel 4: As they embrace, she tells him that she'll be feeling it for days. He thought-bubbles that he will too.
Panel 5: You see, he'd left his dentures in his shirt pocket.
Summary: Old people are funny, especially when they get their upper plates shoved into their ribcage by a stupid woman.
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