Well, we do get to see someone named Poirier today: Lawrence, the token two-fer.
Panel 1: We start the proceedings at his place of business. He asks April if she, instead of Liz, is in charge of the flowers. April confirms that her older sister dumped a steaming-hot plate of the bride's responsibility into her lap.
Panel 2: She then explains that Liz wants something to go with violet and teal ribbons. Guess we know how much Mira's opinion means to the Patterswine. In any event, Lawrence will look to see if there's something appropriate in the Eyesore section of the catalog.
Panel 3: He then asks if Liz knows that
Panel 4: She then notes that's very kind of him. He responds with a pun about how well business is doing.
Summary: We're about to be bombarded with more examples of people kissing Elly's big, fat ass this week. I hope you still have that bucket handy.
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