Well, she's moaning about something: young Michael. That means next week is a damned flashback!!
Panel 1: A very ugly (and getting uglier by the panel) Connie asks Elly flat out if she wants to be a parent again? Elly says "No" because she doesn't have the energy.
Panel 2: She used to be able to chase children all day, you see. Michael, to be specific. He was as trying to raise as she herself was.
Panel 3: She then says that even though he was a world class PITA, she loved him and that he made her what she is now. Connie asks "Proud? Confident?"
Panel 4: Elly responds "TIRED!!" Meanwhile, Connie has just mutated into something really hideous.
Summary: We're about to waste a week proving that Elly had no sense of humor and blew up over piddly-crap. Cameras will be said to be in houses.
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