Panel 1: We start off with Elly talking to another of John's early assistants, thereby making complete nonsense of Flapandhonk's premise right off the bat. It appears the woman has inadvertantly dropped some plaster on the floor and tells Elly she has to clean it up post haste.
Panel 2: As she does so, she tells Elly that Doctor Patterson is quite insistent on keeping things as orderly and clean as he possibly can.
Panel 3: We then shift to his surgery. As we see him working on poor little Harold from the last flashback, he testily tells Elly this is neither the time or place to discuss wher he left his socks.
Hypothesis: We're probably going to be spending the rest of this week and all of next watching this when we could be seeing actual progress. That means the Settlepocalypse will be a series of flashbacks.
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