dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 19 May 2008

Thanks to smh47, we know that this strip will be about Mike and the upcoming publication of his second novel. I'm opening this up for the strip itself. Personally, I want to see exactly how gushy Deanna gets. As we've seen, she'll lavish praise on whatver he does so we're in for a massive display of ego-stroking.

Panel 1: We begin with an establishing shot as we see two dialogue balloons floating outside the window of an apartment building. One is impressed that Mike wrote book number two (which has the stupid title "Blood Cargo") while the other states that it's a real thriller. The speakers are clearly meant to be Mike's love interestfriend Weed and his beardgirlfriend Carleen.

Panel 2: Carleen then asks him where he, an ordinary looking guy, comes up with such amazing ideas. His response: "I dunno." My response would involve shining a flashlight up his rectum.

Panel 3: She then states that having all those ideas whirring around inside his head must be a hard burden to bear. He agrees with her....

Panel 4: ...but thought-bubbles that all those times where he didn't have a clue were the really hard part.

Hypothesis: We're going to see Mike wallowing in self-doubt this week.

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