ETA: nightshine just uncovered some found art I think you'll enjoy.
ETA 2: I hope that after last week's Random Acts of Hatefulness, we at least get a week of more coherent unpleasantness.
The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.
The one where Elly refuses to see that she asks loaded questions. Panel 1: We find Elly at a mirror combing her hair in a frenzy. Panel 2: She…
The one where John knows a loaded question when he hears it.
The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.
The one where Elly refuses to see that she asks loaded questions. Panel 1: We find Elly at a mirror combing her hair in a frenzy. Panel 2: She…
The one where John knows a loaded question when he hears it.
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