Panel 1: In today's strip, we see overworked Elly upset because John is sitting on his rump watching the kettle boil away instead of unplugging it. That's a common complaint in Canadian households where that appliance is most popular.
Panel 2: Mike calls John out on being lazy.
Panel 3: Incensed at his lack of (unearned) respect for his elders, she tells him it's not his place to criticize his father.
Panel 4: John stage-whispers how it's not right for him to horn in on her job. Her reaction? Gobsmacked, of course!
Sidebar: The reason the kettle had to be unplugged instead of taken off the stove is that in Canada they sell kettles you plug into household current.
ETA: This is probably the first strip on far too many wherein hateful control freak John is depicted as actively campaigning to undermine Elly's credibility as a parent as a means of setting himself up as sole authority in his house. Anthony will do much the same but will not resort to cruel humor.
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