Consider it brought!!
Panel 1: Liz asks Jim if he remembers his dress as if she's adressing an imbecile. No big surprise there. April is the only person who thinks that Jim is still in there. He responds as best he can given that he's a lucid man stuck in the living Hell of having a dysfunctional shell of a body.
Panel 2: She explains very carefully that she and Creepthony have decided to get married and she wants his blessing to wear the Miracle Dress. I'm so impressed that she didn't subject him to the "We're taking it slow" crap, I almost don't mind that he says yes.
Panel 3: As she expresses her gratuitude for his granting permission for somthing she was going to do anyway, Iris, the Confused Oracle tells her that he'll be soooo happy to see her walk down the aisle with Awfulny.
Panel 4: Iris again subjects him to being treated like a simpleton as she all but commands him to be happy.
Panel 5: Too bad that he cannot fulfill that request. As we see him thought bubble about his walking Marian down the aisle, we are reminded that his best days are behind him. We also realize that his deep sadness at days gone by will be misinterpreted by stupid, silly people.
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