dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

The defining moment of awfulness.

I've always wondered when most of you lost sympathy for the characters. As the years went on, most of them have had a moment when their credibility, which Lynn had so carefully buily up over the years, had been squandered. I'll give you my idea of the turning-points.

Elly: When she reprimanded April for accusing Kortney of threatening her. We knew that April was right but Elly was far too busy soaking up insincere flattery to care.

Anthony: He was simply an annoying weakling until he said he had no hoooooome. After that, it became impossible to root for him.

Liz: Her decline was more gradual but was set in motion the second she whined about the unfairness of having to not interefere in Anthony's life.

Deanna: When, given the opportunity to have an afternoon of shopping by herself, she fled from the horror of having to be a mother.

Mike: When he chose a laptop over his family.

John: When he thought-bubbled "What about my trains?" because he thought his silly hobby was more important than his family.

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