dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Let's see how Lynn wraps up Week 2 of the Settlepocalypse. Will Liz finally tell Elly and John? Will they be so happy, they do the Dance of Joy?

Panel 1: I guess not. We find ourselves at the jewelers the next day as the two of them go ring shopping. Liz exposits on the alleged weirdness of shopping for a ring on her lunch break as Anthony states that ring shopping is always a hoot, this being his second bite of the apple and all.

Panel 2: She finds it hard to decide which one she likes best when Anthony passively-aggressively forces the issue. She should get used to this because she is marrying a man like her father.

Panel 3: His choice has matching bands for the man and woman. Since they're starting to blend together physically, this is an appropriate choice.

Panel 4: They marvel at the beauty of his selection.

Panel 5: He states that their permanence is symbol of their permanence. The Kool-Aid Quaffers will gush about how great this is. I remember something they don't: Therese had the same hopes (and promises) of permanence only to have them cruelly dashed by suburban vermin who treated her like a pariah for the unforgivable crime of expecting "Forsaking all others" to apply to Liz Patterson, not to mention fixing her hopes on a lying rat who couldn't get over his sick fantasy of rescuing said idiot bitch.

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  • April & Becky

    I thought I'd contribute some unfavourite storylines: April, Becky and the neverending fighting. They met at daycare, aged 2, but the arguing didn't…

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    Title inspired by Shaenon K. Garrity's brilliant essay. And now...a look at Liz and Anthony over the years as they dated, broke up, dated, broke…

  • Tuesday, January 1, 2008

    Happy New Year! I am so dreading this strip. Okay, here's the Metro link without color. Let's get it over with. Panel 1: Oh, you have GOT to be…