Panel 1: She explains that she and Anthony have been friends for a long time and that won't change. This is a silly thing to say because a three-year-old can't imagine the past, now matter how gifted she is. She will assume that the Universe came into being when she did.
Panel 2: She the goes on to say that now she gets to be his daughter's friend too.
Panel 3: She then asks Francie to say they're friends. The little girl says "Uh-huh" because she's tuned out the Silly Sandwich Lady and her blathering. Francie then asks if she'd like pretend milk and sugar in her pretend tea. Liz says lots of sugar.
Panel 4: Françoise points out that'll make it too sweet for human consumption.
Panel 5: Liz proves that Lynn made this glurgily sweet by thought-bubbling a fridge-worthy piece of foolosophy. Yet again, she's managed to convince herself she's won her future step-daughter over. What I want to see is proof.
Punchline: By all but asking her future step-daughter for permission to be the mother Fate will make her, Liz has borrowed trouble from the future and set herself up to fail.
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